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Halo 2 Lockout - Unreal Engine 5
Blockout | Multiplayer


This was a project I did on the side separate from college class and homework. My professor recommended me to participate in Blocktober. (Creating a map over the course of October)

My goal was to spend little increments of time each day working on the map until completion. I decided to recreate the Halo 2 map 'Lockout'. This experience taught me how professional game developers have create maps. I learned elements such as  skill jump placement, map flow, and architecture unique to the Halo franchise.

Project Breakdown

  • 4 weeks (roughly 2 or 3 hours a day)

  • Developed in spare time

  • Created using Unreal Engine 5

    • Taught myself Unreal Engine​

  • Focus on creating throughout October

  • Current state - Blockout

Lockout Overhead Map_edited.jpg



The two biggest elements that I gathered from creating this map was sightline and scale.​

Lockout is a elegantly crafted map that not only has jumps everywhere for the player to create maneuvers off the beaten path, but is also extremely open. This creates many sightlines from multiple directions, as well as vantage points and chokepoints. While making each of these pathways, I began to learn how to block off certain sightlines depending on position.

My other biggest learning was keeping a sense of scale. When recreating a map, it's very easier to go off proportions and interrupt the flow of the map due to it's size.

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